Sunday, August 4, 2024

A rare skate near home!

A good frost this morning had me up and checking the closest skating spot to home - just 20km away. A good sized pond in a shadow of a hill.  Fabulous ice about 7cm thick.  Great skate!


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Just enough....

Dave and I headed to Poolburn this morning to see if the freeze had iced up the lake.  About 30mm of new ice over some of the lake.  We had a look around and managed to get a scratchy skate in the corner of the main bay and a better skate and the end of the far bay. Black ice, hard and smooth but talking all the time so we didn't go too far.  Great fun skate.  Good to catch up with Inge as well - on a fabulous blue sky winter day.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Snow ice!

After the storm I decided to take the bike and have a look around Naseby as the temps have been quite low.   After a bit of excellent  forest riding in the snow I had a skate in two places on snow ice.  Ice was good considering the weather but not very strong. Not my favourite ice but great to skate again.