Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Another short one...

Still no ice around but had a bit of a skate again at Rum Gully today. Ice was less than last week and weakening at the edge as I was later in the day (warmer).  Good to get the skates on though.

Friday, June 21, 2024


Still unsettled weather but managed to get a skate today on a couple of small ponds in the hills.  Ice was a bit creaky but held up ok. Good fun.  There was a bit of ice around on the usual skating spots but not thick enough to skate.  Will need a few frosts.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Small skate....

Despite the unpredictable weather I manage to get a small skate today.  While at Coronet for an early ski I checked Rum Gully and had a skate on the sheltered side of the rink which is almost separate from the main pond.  Ice was good and hard and great to get the skates on...

Friday, June 7, 2024

Slim pickings....

After a cold May it is disapointingly  warm for this time of year.  Dave and I decided to head to Central to see if there was any sign of ice.  Idaburn had very little water and a thin skin of ice on what was there.  We headed up to Poolburn and did find a thicker skim of ice over most of the reservoir but a long way from being skate-able.  After a bit of hunting around I did get the skates on in a small area of ice at the end of a stream.  Good to be out and about in the frost and sunshine with the added unusual sight of about ten sheep caught in a cattle stop - which we set free!