Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tasman Lake!

Today I skated Tasman Glacier Lake.  What a great experience.  Although only a third of the lake was frozen and only the jetty end really safe it was fantastic to skate around the part melted ice bergs that had calved of the glacier.  Thick green ice to skate on - rough in places - but lots of variation. The bergs looked small from the shore but a lot different once onto the ice and the skate-able area was quite large.  Well worth it and a fantastic skate.

One the way to Tasman I stopped at various places including Fraser Dam.  The dam water level had dropped quite a bit and left sheets of ice up the side. An interesting skate.

One the way home through Dansy's Pass the river was frozen over in several places. Although a bit risky, I just had to stop and have a skate!  The ice was thick enough - clear and hard  - weird skating over moving water and hearing the rapids either side of the good ice.
Tasman Glacier Lake
Fraser Dam

Frozen River!

On the river

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